
Friday, June 1, 2012

It's June!

It's been almost a month since I last blogged and damn, I'm really so sorry. It's because I've been really busy with my Final Year Project (FYP). It's really just crazy. Doing powerpoint slides every single day, staring at my computer for hours, and finally, it's the holidays! Apparently, I still have work to do over the holidays since I'm already year 3. Bleah. But anyways, so many things happened recently and I don't really know how I should feel about it.

A few couples whom I know that have been together for a long time broke up. Which led me to think about my past relationship. I don't really miss it. But I think I'll always remember it. Cos it's my first and people always say that the first leaves the deepest impression. I agree with that. Because that person is the first person who held your hand, hugged you, gave you a kiss, flowers, chocolates, etc. And these are all special. And when that person has left, he/she took a part of you. A part that may never be replaced. You probably hate your ex, or you may still love him/her, but you cannot deny that it is there. That memory can never be erased. And he/she will somehow be stuck in your mind.

I'm no love guru or relationship advisor, but I like being there for my friends, no matter what relationship problems or life problems they're going through. And I'd like to say to all the singles out there, don't be afraid to say that you're single. Don't be afraid to admit that you're lonely. Cos sometimes, someone might just be waiting for that answer to tell you he/she likes you. And to those who're in a relationship right now, be more understand towards each other. Tell each other how you feel about him/her and the relationship. Because you'll never know when he/she would leave.

I feel that telling someone how important he/she is to you is essential, regardless in a relationship or friendship. I do that sometimes, randomly, and my friends would say I'm crazy, but this is what I do. I remind them that they're important to me and never feel that they are useless to anyone. No one has did that to me anyways. But I still do it to my friends because I don't want them to feel what I feel. I want them to be happy and feel important and wanted.

Probably some of you might be thinking, "oh, you're being so fake." And I shall tell you, WHATEVER. Haha. I mean, this is really what I do to my friends because I cherish them. After losing so many people, I know the importance of cherishing them. Call my hypocritical or say that I'm just saying for the sake of this blog. I don't really care, cos most probably you might be jealous of me or you just purely dislike/hate me. I don't really care about you anyways since you don't like me. But I love my friends and that's what matters. Oh, I'd give you a slap if I could but I'm afraid people might say that it's animal abuse. Oops, BURNNN.

Anyways, it's been a long post so I shall not bother you guys any further. Happy June and June holidays to all students! Have a lovely month, my lovelies!

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